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Make the Most of Every Assignment

Flexibility. Extra income. Work experience. An avenue to direct employment.

The reasons people choose temporary work are as diverse as the assignments they select.

But whether you are looking to earn some extra cash, or are seeking full-time employment, here are several things you can do to make the most of temporary assignments:

  1. Dress the part.
    You will fit in, perform, and feel better if you’re dressed appropriately for the type of work you’re doing.
  2. Act as if the job is permanent.
    Give your best effort on each assignment ñ you never know where it might lead. If an employer is impressed with your performance, he can work with your staffing service to offer you direct employment.
  3. Learn all you can.
    Each assignment provides fresh opportunities to learn. From practical job skills to industry-specific knowledge, capitalize on every chance to gain valuable skills and experience.
  4. Test the waters.
    If your career path is uncertain, temporary work affords you the ability to try out different jobs, at different companies, in varied industries. Find out where you fit by accepting diverse assignments.
  5. Network.
    A temporary assignment puts you in a unique networking position. While at work, you have the opportunity to interact and develop relationships with business colleagues whom you might not otherwise meet. Leverage this “inside track” access by sharing your career interests and goals with managers you encounter on the job.
  6. Communicate.
    If you enjoyed an assignment and would like to work for the employer again once it’s over, say so. Your staffing consultant and supervisor can look for additional opportunities for you to work in a different area of the company. And if the assignment was not right for you, consider why. Try to understand why the job or the employer didn’t meet your needs, so you can choose an assignment that’s a better fit the next time.

We want to help you get the most from your experiences as a Westside Personnel temporary employee. Please call our offices today with any questions you might have or to learn more about the great temporary jobs we currently have available.

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